7 Steps to Adventure: Buying and Using the BookYourHunt.com Gift Card

BookYourHunt.com gift card

We’re proud to offer you the BookYourHunt.com gift card, designed it to be the ultimate present for a hunter. What gift can be greater than the gift of the outdoors, and this gift card is the key to over 4000 hunting trips worldwide, directly from trusted outfitters at no extra cost. Here you will find detailed information on how to order a BookYourHunt.com gift card, and how to use it to pay for your hunting adventure.

How to order the BookYourHunt.com gift card.

1. Follow through to the Gift Card page.

2. Enter the name, last name, and the email address of the lucky hunter. Please make sure the email address is active: the gift card holder will need it to activate the card, and for security reasons activation can’t be done from any other address.

3. Choose the amount to which you want the gift card to be.

4. Choose your payment method. You have the options to pay by a banking card, wire transfer, or check.

5. Follow the payment instructions.

6. After the payment is confirmed a link to the gift card. You now have two options: 

a) download the card and make a hard copy to give the old-fashioned way;  

b) send the link to the gift card by email.

Please note that as soon as you press “Send link”, the gift card link will land in the lucky hunter’s mailbox. This can’t be undone, so if you want to keep your gift a secret until certain date, time your sending accordingly.

7. Enjoy the satisfaction of delivering a great gift!

How to use the BookYourHunt.com gift card.

1. Activate the card. To do so, follow the activation link, and enter your card’s serial number. Please note the card will work only with the address it was issued to.

2. Log into your BookYourHunt.com account. If you don’t have an account, create it, using the e-mail address your gift card was issued to. If you already have a BookYourHunt.com account started with a different email address, contact the BookYourHunt.com support team.

3. Check the “Coupons” sections of your profile. The card will be right there.

4. Find your dream hunt on BookYourHunt.com, make sure this is the hunt you want to book (we recommend contacting the outfitter via our chat system, and asking all questions you might have, before booking), press “Reserve”.

5. After pressing “Reserve”, find the window “I have discount”. Choose the serial number of your gift card. After that you’ll see the price of the hunt adjusted for the discount.

6. Complete the booking.

7. Have a great hunt!

For any questions regarding purchase, activation, or using the BookYourHunt.com, do not hesitate to contact the support team.

For friends, family, husband, wife, child, boss, business partner, if the person is a passionate hunter, you’ll have the present problem sorted out for ever. For Christmas, New Year, birthday, anniversary, retirement, graduation, or any other occasion BookYourHunt.com gift card is the best present a hunter can get!



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